With unlimited information at our fingertips about physical health, exercise, multiple types of yoga, diet protocols all in the interest of what to do best if we want a productive and best life, what to practice for strength, vitality and longevity missing is the part on how our brains work to serve us.
Historically we haven’t been taught the facts that our EQ (emotional intelligence) is more impact full in our results and outcomes of who we are and the lives we are leading. In all areas of our lives, relationships with self, family, friends, community, work peers or bosses to name a few we can get lost knowing the best way to navigate and stay true to ourselves. The good news is it is an option for most everyone to learn and develop our EQ.
I will teach you the tools I have mastered and you will know how to develop your own skills using them, being curious and building on your knowledge for the future you deserve. Your future self will thank you, but inherently it is you today that is earning all the stars for taking the steps to get you there. What letter will your future self write to you looking back? Will it be filled with abundant gratitude, lessons learned, wins and joyful experiences?
You will gain utilizing the tools and knowing how you can apply them uniquely to yourself and achieve the life as you were meant to. Thirty (30) minutes to learn more and the scheduling block as above or below and you can find the best day/time.